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Main publications of the laboratory

  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Likhachev Y., Fedashko M. "Method for processing of solid municipal wastes into compost". Patent No. 2103246 C1. Issued 27.01.1998.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. and Miller V.V. "Method of production of a biologically active fertilizer". Patent No. 1757209. Issued 25.12.1992.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. and Mishustin E.N. 1989. Livestock waste is a new organic raw material. Biotechnology, vol. 5, No. 5, p. 634-638.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 1996. Production and application of the microbial granulated bamil fertilizer. Russian Agricultural Sciences, No. 4, p. 8-12.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Gusarova G.A. and Panikov N.S. 1996. Biotransformation of nitrogen-containing compounds in the process of the continuous final purification of effluents from pig-farms by immobilized cells. Microbiology, vol. 65, No. 5, p. 621-626.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 1997. The expediency of using the sludge biomass as a microbial fertilizer. Russian Agricultural Sciences, No. 1, p. 35-38.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 1999. Process for production of microbial pelleted biofertilizer "bamil" from the pig-farm wastes. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oslo, Norway, 1998. p. 252-260.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 1999. Microbial fertilizers from pig-farm wastes. Proceedings of 8-th Intern. Conference FAO Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture "Management strategies for organic waste use in agriculture". (Ed. by Martines J., Maudet M.) Rennes, France, 1998, FAO and Cemagref. p. 439-448.
  • Klir J., Ruzek P., Arkhipchenko I.A. 1999. The effect of organic fertilization on the crop yield and soil property. In: Proceedings of 8-th Intern. Conference. FAO Network on Recycling of Agricultural Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture. (Ed. by Martines J., Maudet M.) Rennes, France, 1998, FAO and Cemagref. p.137-147.
  • Ed. Arkhipchenko I.A. 2000. Program and Papers of International Conference "Microbial ecotechnology in processing of organic and agricultural wastes", St. Petersburg, Russia, August 16-22, 2000, 135 p.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. et al. 2000. Application of Microbial Biofertilizers for Intensification of the Process of Municipal Wastes Composting. Proceedings of the International Composting Symposium (ICSÒ99). (Ed. by Warman P.R. and Taylor B.R.) Halifax, Canada, 1999. CBA Press Inc., vol.1, p.268-281.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. et al. 2000. Microbiological and Biochemical Parameters: Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Composts. Proceedings of the International Composting Symposium (ICSÒ99). (Ed. by Warman P.R. and Taylor B.R.) Halifax, Canada, 1999. CBA Press Inc., vol.2, p. 612-620.
  • Fisinin V.I., Arkhipchenko I.A. 2001. Microbial fertilisers from poultry manure. Would Poultry Elsevier, vol.17, No2, p. 36-37.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 2002. Strategy for livestock wastes treatment in Russia. Proceedings of 10th Intern. Conference FAO Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture. Ed. By Venglovsky J and Greserova G. Kosice, Sloval Republic 2002, p.145-148.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 2003. (co-author of the monography under the EU project: "Manure Management. Treatment strategies for sustainable agriculture". Second Edition (ed. C.H. Burton and C. Turner). Silsoe Research Institute, 700 p.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. et al. (Ed. A.I. Eskov). 2003. Methods of analyses of organic fertilizers. Moscow, p. 77-93.
  • Kalyuzhnyi S., Sklyar V., Epov A., Arkhipchenko I., Barbolina I., Orlova O., Kovalev A., Nozhevnikova A., Klapwijk A. 2003. Sustainable treatment and re-use of diluted pig manure streams in Russia: from laboratory trials to full scale implementation. Ö Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., vol.109, p.77-93.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K.. 2004. Treatment of oil-contaminated soils with biocompositions on the basis of microbial fertilizers. Ecology and industry of Russia, No. 4, p. 28-32.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. 2004. Microbial fertilizer from poultry farm wastes as an efficient biocomposition for oil-contaminated soils treatment in the Far North. In the Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific-practical conference "Ecological work at oil deposits in Timano-Pechersky Region". Ukhta, 6-9 September 2004. Syiktyivkar. p. 201-204.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A., Salkinoja-Salonen V.S., Karyakina I.N., Tsitko I.V. 2005. Study of three fertilizers produced from farm waste. J. Applied Soil Ecology. v.30/2, p.126-132.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. (Ed.). 2005. Scientific grounds and practical recommendations for the application of biofertilizers from livestock wastes in biological agriculture. Saint-Petersburg. 44 p.
  • Arkhipchenko I.A. 2005. Prospects for the application of microbial fertilizers. Proceedings of the Workshop "Chicken manure treatment and application in Europe and Asia" Hamburg, Germany, January 18-21, 2005, pp. 245-254.
  • Shibaeva M.E., Orlova O.V., Arkhipchenko I.A., Lim Han-Cheol, Jung Yong-Hwan 2005. The application of microorganism inoculation during chicken manure composting. Proceedings of the Workshop "Chicken manure treatment and application in Europe and Asia" Hamburg, Germany, January 18-21, 2005, pp.271-283.