All participants presenting any kind of presentation are strongly encouraged to submit the Abstracts to be multiplied before the meeting and released at the Registration desk.

Please follow the description given below.

  1. The abstract should be submitted as a Word file;

   2. Title (no more than 100 characters);

  3. Authors name(s). Please give in full only the family name, the given name(s)
    should be indicated by the first letter and a dot (e.g., Provorov N.A.);

  4. Affiliations. In order to facilitate the post-meeting contacts, please indicate
      the full postal address followed by e-mail, fax and URL at least for the
       presenting author;

  5. Text body (no more than 2500 characters, including references,
      acknowledgements, etc.);

  6. Name the file using the name of presenting author.

The organizers do not plan to edit the Abstracts, however, the Abstracts which do not fit to the meeting topic may be rejected.

Please attach the Abstracts to a message and submit using E-mail address: with indication “Abstract for AB-RMS symposium and PhD course” in the message “Subject” field.

Deadline for submitting the Abstracts is 30th April, 2007.